Time: 6.06.2012
author: failetna
Bb text clock icon
text message icon - BlackBerry Support Community Forumsdoes anyone know what the Blackberry Messenger ICONS mean? the smiley face with a clock over it....or the. notification for you to know that something has happened in the BB.
BB Curve 8300 :: Messages Pending Frequently - Get Pending Clock.BB Curve 8300 :: Messages Pending Frequently - Get Pending Clock Icon Next To. BB Bold 9000 :: Text Messages Pending Will Not Send; BB Bold 9000 :: Sms Text Messages Are.  blackberry torch clock icon next to text message favorites menu blackberry torch bb toarch how to put items in favorites blacberry torch torch search finds messages that won.
What is blackberry messenger clock icon - The Q&A wiki
BlackBerry Torch preview | TheTechJournal
Icons and Indicators - BlackBerry Smartphones - 5.0
clock icon when attempting to send sms text message on BlackBerry.I have a BB 9300 on Tmobile with the 6.0 OS. It seems as if my outgoing text messages are not being sent. When I press send a little red clock icon appears next to. BlackBerry Smartphones Icons and Indicators 5.0. Status indicators. What is blackberry messenger clock icon?. happens when they leave the cursor in the text field on their end). Clock. they might be doing other things on the BB.
What does the clock icon mean on my Blackberry 8330 next to my.
Blackberry Messenger ICONs - BlackBerry Support Community ForumsBlackberry clock icon text message. I have a blackberry bold. just sent a text and. - Bb bold 9700 clock icon clock icon when attempting to send sms text message on BlackBerry phone // March 30th, 2009 // Tech Notes. Problem: If you get this (see a clock icon, like the one.
Bb text clock icon Blackberry Messenger ICONs - BlackBerry Support Community Forums
What does the clock symbol mean in Blackberry messenger? | ChaCha
What Does This Icon Mean? - Page 11 - BlackBerry Forums at.
BlackBerry - Support Help & Troubleshooting the BlackBerry Torch.
Blackberry Notification Icons Guide - Smartphones: PinStack.com
Blackberry Messenger ICONs - BlackBerry Support Community Forums
BB Messenger Icon Help - BlackBerry Forums Support Community