date: 12.03.2012
Author: trilmiti
iphone 3g button problems
Apple - Support - iPhone - iPhone Troubleshooting AssistantiPhone 3G and 3GS Mute Button: Diagnose and repair your iPhone yourself. iFixit has free. My Problem. The mute button was flaking out and would randomly vibrate when touched. If your iPhone displays a low battery image, it can take up to 20 minutes of charging before the iPhone will start up. You can press the Home button to check the current.
How to Fix a Stuck or Broken Home Button on an iPhone Obviously I'm not the only one...Come on guys give me some feedback. Newby here, and this is my first Apple product, I bought the phone last Friday on Dec. 12th, by.
Home button problem - iPhone 3G - iFixit
iPhone 3G Home Button Fix | eHow.comiPhone Home Button Problems? iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting. gen iPhone that never got sold over here, now that they sell the iPhone 3G. My home button have a bad contact problem, I have to press it really hard to work. Can you make a guide about replacing home button? - iPhone 3G
iPhone 3G and 3GS Mute Button - iFixit
iPhone 3G Home button problems....: Apple Support Communities
iPhone Home Button Problems? - MacRumors ForumsIf your iPhone’s Home button begins having problems or becomes unresponsive there are a. Jailbreak and Unlock 4.2.1 Firmware on iPhone 3G, 3GS and iPhone 4 Some iPhone 2G and 3G users may find that their "Home" button is sticking, or their phone is not as responsive as it could be. There are a few causes for this problem.
iphone 3g button problems iPhone 3G Mute Button Repair : iPhone Button Stuck : iPhone Fix.
How to Fix a Sticking Home Button on the iPhone 3G - MonkeySee
iPhone 3G Mute Button Repair : iPhone Button Stuck : iPhone Fix.
HELP! iPhone 3G reboot logo keeps restarting & power button doesn.
How to Troubleshoot iPhone Problems |
iPhone 3G Screen lock/Volume key/Sleep button issues - Portable.
Apple - Support - iPhone - iPhone Troubleshooting Assistant